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Int 31 Fn 0401  P - DPMI 1.0+ - Get Dpmi Capabilities                      [E]

   AX = 0401h
   ES:(E)DI -> 128-byte buffer for host description (see below)

Return: CF clear if successful
       AX = capabilities (see below)
       CX = reserved (00h)
       DX = reserved (00h)
       buffer filled
   CF set on error (DPMI 0.9 only)

See Also: AX=0400h

Bitfields for capabilities:
 bit 0 paged accessed/dirty supported (see AX=0506h,AX=0507h)
 bit 1 exceptions restartability supported
 bit 2 device mapping supported (see AX=0508h)
 bit 3 conventional memory mapping supported (see AX=0509h)
 bit 4 demand zero-fill supported
 bit 5 write-protect client capability supported
 bit 6 write-protect host capability supported
 bits 7-15 reserved

Format of host description:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    host major version number
 01h   BYTE    host minor version number
 02h 126 BYTEs ASCIZ host vendor name

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